Funny how there’s always fast-paced change
The Blog
Why networking should be done differently by solopros than by job hunters
What to do when a client drags out payment
Too much of a good thing can be pretty bad
How to check for bad freelance and work-at-home offers
Marketing freelance and consulting services in a recession
How to interpret statistics
What freelance and consulting clients look for and why it isn’t price
Using connections to get ahead is not OK except for when it is OK
Your freelance and consulting rates: how do you value yourself?
Getting to know you. (Singing the South Pacific song.)
Why your starting-out fees for freelance or consulting are not so crucial
Back when networking was (almost) illegal
Freelance Pricing: A Case Study
What percentage of prospecting phone calls are successful?
How to know if your phone campaign is working
Linking your voicemail message with an online message
Benchmarking: A totally professional excuse for reading so much email
Are you a member of Generation W?
When someone asks you to do work you’ve never done before