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The Blog
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20203 min read
Freelancing and consulting: Do we women underestimate our ability to do the job?
In the last few months, multiple sources have reported that men apply for a job when they meet 60% of the qualifications, while women...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20203 min read
Sometimes you have to do what you want to do
For freelancers and consultants, it’s pretty obvious (at least to me) that some types of work pay better than other types of work....
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
Freelancing and consulting: Farewell to voicemail? Hello texting? Plus a texting script.
There has been distressing news from Coca-Cola’s Atlanta headquarters: Office voicemail has been closed down. If a call would normally go...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20203 min read
Free is too darned expensive . . .
Or to say it another way, “’Free’ is a four-letter word.” A fundamental principle in marketing—and in life—is that free is good. We all...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
Freelancing and consulting: Why I’m up and down about elevator speeches
At this point we are all familiar with elevator speeches. That’s how we introduce ourselves to someone we have just met in an elevator....
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
Yes, you can successfully freelance / consult regardless of your age!
This week a reader wrote me, asking if she even “stands a chance” at building a freelance business-writing career. She has a lifetime of...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
Two ways to analyze and grow your freelance or consulting business
Are you frustrated with your freelance and consulting marketing? Perhaps you’ve tried lots of different ways to get clients but you feel...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
Freelancing and consulting: Maybe you don’t hate selling as much as you think you do
When I was a kid, comic books and children’s magazines had ads in the back that sold children on winning a shiny red bike by selling...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20204 min read
Freelancers and consultants: Can you live on less than $100,000 per year?
I recently wrote about how each of us can determine our own financial goals; each of us has his own definition of success. While some...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20203 min read
Why setting freelance and consulting rates is like selling your house . . . and what to do about it
Have you ever sold your house? The easier the sale, the greater your seller’s remorse. It’s the same with telling your rate to freelance...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
Eating crow: I was (somewhat) wrong on USPs
If you’ve read my book, Real Skills, Real Income: A Proven Marketing System to Land Well-Paid Freelance and Consulting Work in 30 Days or...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20203 min read
Freelancing and consulting: Three delusions
Much of what I’m reading about how to succeed as a freelancer or consultant is total B.S., at least in my experience. Granted, there are...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
All those leaders need doers and that’s where freelancers and consultants come in
Lately I’ve been reading conflicting articles about leadership. But although the observations conflict, they all support a certain...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
Freelancing and consulting: How to identify the best prospects
I see questions on the internet about how to approach prospective clients who clearly need help with the services we offer. In...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20204 min read
The real biggest problem facing freelancers and consultants
The biggest problem facing us self-employed freelancers and consultants is not “getting paid what we are worth.” The biggest problem is...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
Freelancing and consulting: I’m conscientious and proud of it!
One of the luxuries of self-employment is that I can allow myself to answer honestly on personality assessment instruments. Back when I...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20203 min read
What the heck is “value” in determiningfreelance and consulting rates?
I’ve been reading an awful lot lately about how we freelancers and consultants should base our fees on our “value.” However, these same...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
Are you an ambivert? (an important question for freelancers and consultants)
I just found out I’m an ambivert. What’s an ambivert?, you may ask. An ambivert is someone who falls in the approximate middle of the...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20202 min read
The time value of money—an important lesson for freelancers and consultants
Let’s say you have the choice of receiving $1,000 today or $1,000 in 60 days. Which would you choose? When we as freelancers and...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 7, 20203 min read
Freelancing and consulting: How’s the rule of 45—or 60—working for you?
Joel Libava, The Franchise King, made an interesting point recently in discussing how consultants and other service providers are paid by...
Blog: Blog2
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