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The Blog
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
Why live networking feels so uncomfortable and what to do about it
Do you have issues with live networking? All that effort for such meager results? You’ve extensively brainstormed with friends to develop...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20204 min read
Four lessons about building my own business I’ve learned the hard way
This weekend I met up with an old friend and fellow self-employed freelancer /coach / writer. We reminisced about life and business...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
How did your college major work for you?...and advice for students
I’m seeing a lot of questioning in the media on the value of a college degree. After all, these degrees are expensive and may entail...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20202 min read
Freelancing and consulting: Hope for the career challenged
In early November, the Wall Street Journal and many other major publications reported on new findings published in the Proceedings of the...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20202 min read
Does Mavis Beacon hold the secret to writing success?
Does the name Mavis Beacon ring a bell for you but you can’t remember quite who she is? Mavis Beacon is the typing lady. She issued...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
Hey, why not take my B2B phone call?
The big trend in marketing is toward relationship marketing. And to me, the best way to initiate a two-way relationship is to pick up the...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20202 min read
How to talk with prospects so they want to hear you
I enjoy “Project Runway,” a reality show in which clothing designers compete weekly on a quirky design assignment. One designer wins the...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
Better than the Law of Attraction: How a restaurant could have cheated at LOA and won
Shortly after The Secret, a best-selling book and video about the Law of Attraction, was published in 2007, my husband and I were eating...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
Ten ways to cheat the Law of Attraction . . . and find a parking spot faster
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the Law of Attraction, which says that we attract to our reality what matches how we think and...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20202 min read
How much would you pay for this “full transformative” experience?
The service is described by a caller-in to a teleseminar for “spiritual” women about how to master your money mindset and dramatically...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
A most unusual networking lesson
I recently attended a program on copyright law, a subject that has some relevance to my work but is even more interesting for the...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
Quick! How to test your freelance / consulting blog right now!
Click on your blog. Right now! Now check the date of your most recent post. Here is how to score it. Not older than 7 days A Between 8...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
What kind of job should you take when you’re trying to write too?
At a recent freelancer writers’ networking event, several of us were discussing with a younger writer how she could make some income...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20202 min read
It’s not your fault! Why you don’t have a network of freelance consulting clients in place
When you are launching a freelance / consulting practice following corporate employment (or even when you’re looking for another...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
Value pricing for freelancing and consulting: Please explain it to me
I’ve been reading advice on value pricing for awhile and I admit I still don’t get it. Let’s get a few things out of the way before I...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
In praise of working bass ackwards
Decades ago when I married my first husband and we got nice serving pieces from our gift registry, we decided to keep kosher. Keeping...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
The case for pricing your freelance and consulting work by the hour
I recently led a discussion for the Independent Writers of Chicago (IWOC), an organization of freelance writers, on “back to the basics”...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20204 min read
Brave questions: how to qualify freelance and consulting prospects
What is qualifying in terms of freelancing and consulting? As the term suggests, it’s about determining if someone who expresses interest...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20203 min read
What to do if crappy freelance / consulting prospects get you down
It’s easy to get ticked off when we are contacted by obviously lousy prospects enquiring about our freelance and consulting services. How...
Diana Schneidman
Jul 8, 20204 min read
Freelancing and consulting: Overcoming pricing paralysis
There’s a nuisance out there called reality. It totally complicates rate setting for your freelance and consulting services. The problem...
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